1 From the Lambda Calculus to Redex
Goals |
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1.1 Workshop Goals
Monday is about the very basics of operational models and semantics of functional programming languages, that is, so-called syntactic theories.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we will expand the coverage to imperative languages, and you will learn to investigate the relationship between syntax and semantics. Practitioners may take away ideas for approaching new languages, instructors will see an entirely new way of teaching a course on programming languages.
Thursday will be dedicated to building languages in Racket.
Friday will tie together the Redex modeling approaches and the language building approaches.
This summer school cannot possible cover everything in the Racket school of programming languages. For example, we will not show you how to work with abstract machines. We will not show you how to create Racket languages that use conventional syntax. And we will not work on performance issues of models or language creation. By covering the wide spectrum of ideas, however, we hope you get an idea of what Racket and its eco-system offers and that you will take some time in the future to explore this world in some depth.
1.2 Theory: Trees, Substitution
Terms vs Trees The lambda calculus: most familiar, still misunderstood
e = x | (λx.e) | (e e)
λx. |
| |
app |
/ \ |
x λy. |
| |
y |
Substitution From 8th grade math we know that functions are about “plugging values in for variables.” In our world, this is called substitution. Notation:
e[x <- e’]
Substitution is tree surgery. But there are two ways to think about it:
(λy.x)[x <- y] == λy.y
But λy.x is like a constant function f(y) = x. The result, however, is a function that depends on its variable f(y) = y.
Here is the other way:
(λy.x)[x <- y] == (λz.x)[x <- y] == λz.y
Understand scope. Preserve bindings. And this is indeed the first task of PL people, too. There are several ways to understand scope:
define what it means for a variable to bind and in which subtree the binding holds (free variable functions)
define a theory of renaming (α equivalence relation)
define equivalence classes of trees (based on α) and define operations in terms of those.
1.3 Redex: Languages, Scope, and Substitution
(define-language Lambda1 (e ::= x (lambda (x) e) (e e)) (x ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned))
(define e1 (term (lambda (x) y))) (define e2 (term (lambda (z) y))) (default-language Lambda1) (term (substitute ,e1 y x)) (term (substitute ,e2 y x))
(define-language Lambda (e ::= x (lambda (x) e) (e e)) (x ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned) #:binding-forms (lambda (x) e #:refers-to x)) (default-language Lambda) (term (substitute ,e1 y x)) (term (substitute ,e2 y x))
Discuss alpha-equivalent?
1.4 Theory: Laws of Calculation
3 * (1 + 1) = 3 * 2 = 6
* |
/ \ |
3 + |
/ \ |
1 1 |
* |
/ \ |
3 2 |
((λx.e) e’) beta-x e
This one is totally weird. Functions always ignore their argument. That is not what we want.
f(x) = 3 * (x + 1) |
------------------ |
f(1) = 3 * (1 + 1) |
= 3 * 2 |
= 6 |
((λx.e) e’) beta-y e[x <- e’]
This one is better than the first but if we add arithmetic, odd things happen:g(x) = 42
g(1/0) = 42
Do we really want calculations to ignore errors? Do developers really want their PL to throw away an erroneous computation?Not even the Lambda Calculus inventors were sure about this. They dabbled in alternatives (for example the λI calculus) but could not resolve the problem.
((λx.e) (λx.e’) ) beta-z e[x <- (λx.’e) ]
This last relation resolves this issue by restricting the argument of a function to be a function. In a world where everything is a function, this seems okay.
The basic relation is not enough to calculate. Every kid knows that you can always “substitute equals for equals” in a term. So if we wish to understand calculation from this fundamental perspective, we need to generalize the basic relation to one that “calculates wherever you want.”
Obviously we need to add reflexivity (e = e), symmetry (e = e’ then e’ = e), and transitivity (e = e’ and e’ = e” then e = e”).
But we also need to be able to do this anywhere in the tree. We use contexts to express this idea. A context is result of removing a sub-tree from a term term:
C = [] | (λx.C) | (C e) | (e C)
[] is called a hole and the only operation on contexts is to fill the hole with a tree, i.e., to graft a tree onto the pruned branch:
C = (λx.[]) and e = (λy.x), then C[e] = (λx.(λy.x))
Yes! Grafting a tree onto a context captures variables. That’s intentional. Watch:
e = (λz.(λy.z)) x.
With beta-y, we get
e = (λy.x).
But if this calculation takes place in some context
C = (λx.[])
then we want to calculate like this:
C[(λz.(λy.z)) x] = C[(λy.x)]
regardless of what C is.
In general, if e = e’, then C[e] = C[e’].
These are all the ingredients needed to understand the idea of “calculating with functions.”
1.5 Redex: Contexts, Reductions, Graphs
(define-extended-language Lambda-calculus Lambda (C ::= hole (lambda (x) C) (C e) (e C)))
(define ->beta (reduction-relation Lambda-calculus #:domain e (--> (in-hole C ((lambda (x) e_1) e_2)) (in-hole C (substitute e_1 x e_2)) beta-name)))
(apply-reduction-relation ->beta (term (,e1 ,e2)))
1.6 Theory: From Calculation to Programming Languages
(1) Programming language people are primarily interested in evaluating
programs, and secondarily in reasoning about evaluation. Calculations
supports both. It is good for the latter but is really miserable for the
Theorem If e relates to e’ in a reduction graph, then there exists a path of a particular shape. On this path, it is always the leftmost-outermost reducible expression (redex) that is reduced.
It turns out that this theorem holds for any sensible basic notion of reduction: beta-y, beta-z and something called beta-need, which we did not discuss.
Corollary An evaluator follows this path up to the first value (function, closure).
Here is now we say “leftmost-outermost” for beta-y and beta-z using context notation:
E-y = [] | (E-y e)
E-z = [] | (E-z e) | ((λx.e) E-z)
(2) Sensible programming language people do not want to encode numbers and booleans and strings, they want to work with them directly. Let’s add numbers and the most primitive operation on them: if. Here we go:
e = x | (λx.e) | (e e) | tt | ff | (if e e e)
This means we need two more relations and we need to union those with our favorite beta relation:
(if tt e e’) if-tt e
(if ff e e’) if-ff e’
In the literature, you will find the name δ reduction for these things or (external) interpretation function.
Numbers are a bit more complicated:
e = x | (λx.e) | (e e) | <n> for all n in Integer | (e + e)
The notation <n> is called a numeral, a syntactic representation of the number n. When we write <n + 1> we are referring to the numeral that represents the successor of numeral <n>. So here is the δ reduction for numbers:
(<n> + <m>) arithmetic <n + m>
1.7 Redex: Evaluators for Programming Languages
(define-extended-language Lambda-calculus Lambda (E-name ::= hole (E-name e)))
(define-metafunction PCF-eval eval : e -> v [(eval e) ,(first (apply-reduction-relation* ->beta (term e)))])
(define-language PCF (e ::= x (lambda (x) e) (e e) ; booleans tt ff (if e e e) ; arithmetic n (e + e)) (n ::= integer) (x ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned) #:binding-forms (lambda (x) e #:refers-to x)) (define-extended-language PCF-eval PCF (E-name ::= hole (E-name e) (E-name + e) (v + E-name)) (v ::= n tt ff (lambda (x) e)))
(define ->name (reduction-relation PCF-eval #:domain e (--> (in-hole E-name ((lambda (x) e_1) e_2)) (in-hole E-name (substitute e_1 x e_2)) beta-name) (--> (in-hole E-name (if tt e_1 e_2)) (in-hole E-name e_1) if-tt) (--> (in-hole E-name (if ff e_1 e_2)) (in-hole E-name e_2) if-ff) (--> (in-hole E-name (n_1 + n_2)) (in-hole E-name ,(+ (term n_1) (term n_2))) plus)))
Time to get your hands dirty.
1.8 Summary: Theory
basic notion of reduction, without properties
one-step reduction, generated from x, compatible with syntactic constructions
reduction, generated from -->x, transitive here also reflexive
“calculus”, generated from -->x, symmetric, transitive, reflexive
standard reduction (one-step, multi-step), via meta-theorem
functions, definable from -->>x, =x, or |–>>x
(equivalence from meta-theorems)
1.9 Summary: Redex
define-language with #:binding-forms