5 Modeling Functional Languages
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5.1 PCF and Global Function Definitions
Say you want to add global, mutually recursive function definitions to PCF. Here is a simple way of extending the syntax:
(define-language PCF (p ::= (prog (f ...) e)) (f ::= (define x (lambda (x) e))) (e ::= x (lambda (x) e) (e e) ; booleans tt ff (if e e e) ; arithmetic n (+ e e)) (n ::= integer) (x ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned) #:binding-forms (lambda (x) e #:refers-to x))
Stop! When you revise a model, first get all the test cases to work again. Here you will need to change E contexts to P contexts, that is, progs with holes in the expression position.
Then. Come up with an program that gets stuck because it uses the new syntactic features.
5.2 Context-sensitive Rules
Your revised model gets stuck because the tree root of any program now have prog as its marker. We need a new kind of context.
(define-extended-language PCF-eval PCF (P-name ::= (prog (f ...) E-name)) (E-name ::= hole (E-name e) (E-name + e) (if E-name e e) (v + E-name)) (v ::= n tt ff (lambda (x) e)))
Your revised model gets stuck because expressions now have free variables. These free variables point to function definitions and show up in the hole of an E context.
Use the lookup function from yesterday’s lab.
Exploit Redex’s extremely powerful pattern matching.
(--> (prog ((define x_1 v_1) ... (define x v) (define x_2 v_2) ...) (in-hole E-name x)) (prog ((define x_1 v_1) ... (define x v) (define x_2 v_2) ...) (in-hole E-name v)))
5.3 Exercises
Exercise 9. Check that the model works for a simple recursion function. No, you won’t get very far with the recursion we have.
Exercise 11. Revise your call-by-value model of PCF to include global definitions.
(define ->name (reduction-relation PCF-eval #:domain p (--> (in-hole P-name ((lambda (x) e_1) e_2)) (in-hole P-name (substitute e_1 x e_2)) beta-name) (--> (in-hole P-name (if tt e_1 e_2)) (in-hole P-name e_1) if-tt) (--> (in-hole P-name (if ff e_1 e_2)) (in-hole P-name e_2) if-ff) (--> (in-hole P-name (n_1 + n_2)) (in-hole P-name ,(+ (term n_1) (term n_2))) plus) (--> (prog (d ... (defun (x x_y) e) d_2 ...) (in-hole E-name x)) (prog (d ... (defun (x x_y) e) d_2 ...) (in-hole E-name (lambda (x_y) e))))))
; evaluate term e with the transitive closure of ->name (define-metafunction PCF-eval eval : p -> v or (shu any) [(eval p) v_one-term (where ((prog (d ...) v_one-term)) ,(apply-reduction-relation* ->name (term p)))] [(eval p) (shu ,(apply-reduction-relation* ->name (term p)))]) (define e3 (term (prog () ((lambda (x) (lambda (y) x)) ((lambda (x) x) 2))))) (define e4 (term (prog () (((lambda (x) (lambda (y) x)) (1 + (1 + 1))) (2 + 2))))) (define e5 (term (prog ((defun (h why) (why + 1))) 42))) (define e6 (term (prog ((defun (h why) (why + 1))) ((h 31) + 2)))) (test-equal (term (eval ,e6)) 34) (test-equal (term (eval ,e5)) 42) (test-equal (term (eval ,e3)) (term (lambda (y) ((lambda (x) x) 2)))) (test-equal (term (eval ,e4)) 3)