15 Building a Typed Language with Macros and Turnstile


Using Turnstile to implement a macros-based typed language.

Here is a link to the afternoon lecture slides (also available in PDF).

Here is the grammar for our typed language:

  Type = (-> Type ...)
  | Boolean
  | Number
  | String

  Definition = (define-function (Variable [Variable : Type] ...)  : Type Expression)
  Expression = (function-application Variable Expression ...)
  | (λ ([x : Type] ...) Expression)
  | (if Expression Expression Expression)
  | (+ Expression Expression)
  | Variable
  | Boolean
  | Number
  | String

Below is the skeleton we implemented together in lecture. In lab, we will complete the rest of our typed language.

#lang turnstile/quicklang
; e.g., save this to file "typed-lang.rkt"
(provide Int String ->
         (rename-out [typed-app #%app]
                     [typed-+ +]
                     [typed-datum #%datum]))
(define-base-types Int String)
(define-type-constructor -> #:arity > 0)
(define-primop typed-+ + : (-> Int Int Int))
(define-typerule (typed-app f e ...) 
[ f  f-  (~-> τin ... τout)]
[ e  e-  τin] ...
[ (#%plain-app f- e- ...)  τout])
(define-typerule typed-datum
[(_ . n:integer) 
 [ (#%datum . n)  Int]]
[(_ . s:str) 
 [ (#%datum . s)  String]]
[(_ . x) 
 [#:error (type-error #:src #'x #:msg "Unsupported literal: ~v" #'x)]])

Below is an example program written in our typed language. The turnstile/rackunit-typechecking library will be useful for testing your typed language.

#lang s-exp "typed-lang.rkt"
; e.g., save this to file "typed-lang-prog.rkt"
(require turnstile/rackunit-typechecking)
(check-type 5 : Int)
(check-type "five" : String)
(typecheck-fail #f #:with-msg "Unsupported literal")
(typecheck-fail 1.1 #:with-msg "Unsupported literal")
(check-type + : (-> Int Int Int))
(check-type (+ 1 2) : Int -> 3)
(typecheck-fail (+ 1))